We have two choirs:
- Adult Voices – ages 16+
- Junior Voices – ages 8 to 17
Our adult choir has soprano, alto, tenor, and bass voices. Typically, we sing in four-part harmony and have tackled as many as 10 parts! Our two concert series per year will feature one or two songs with female or male only parts and several massed choir pieces with the children and youth.
Our Junior choir rehearse for one hour weekly. They have many opportunities throughout the year to participate in musical events.
Our older juniors, who are in Grades 7-12 may also participate in our Teen Ensemble, and / or the Adult Choir at no additional Charge.

Members of the JJs and GJS who participated in the December 2014 recreation of the 100th anniversary of the Christmas truce. At the Canadian Aviation and Space Museum, Ottawa, ON both sides were represented (we were the German troops) singing Christmas carols first across no man’s land then together in no man’s land. Choirs representing both sides are shown here